聚焦濒危语言 |
How Languages Die语言是如何消亡的
Languages change over time in order to meet the informational demands of their speakers and adapt to their zeitgeist, taking in new words or seeing them made up. Much like people, who live in a societ
聚焦濒危语言 |
Why We Must Save Dying Tongues为什么必须挽救濒危语言
Over the past century alone, around 400 languages—about one every three months—have gone extinct, and most linguists estimate that 50% of the world’s remaining languages will be gone by the end of thi
聚焦濒危语言 |
How to Speak New York纽约话的奥秘
In Language City, the linguist Ross Perlin chronicles some of the precious traditions hanging on in the world’s most linguistically diverse metropolis. 在《语言之城》一书中,语言学家罗斯·佩林记录了在世界上语言最多元化的大都市中保留下来的一些珍贵
聚焦濒危语言 |
Technology Helps Preserve Endangered Indigenous Languages科技助益濒危土著语言保护
From smartphone apps to web tools, tribal members are using tech to document and practice their native languages. 从智能手机应用程序到网络工具,部落成员们正在利用科技手段记录和练习他们的母语。 Of the 574 federally recognized Native Ameri
聚焦濒危语言 |
Creative Ways to Save an Endangered Language拯救濒危语言的创造性方法
Languages are dying at an alarming rate. This has left many people around the world asking the same question: how do we save endangered languages? 语言正以惊人的速度消亡。这让世界各地的许多人不禁问出同一个问题:我们该如何拯救濒危语言? There
中国故事 |
Li Bai and His Reincarnation李白再世
Li Bai, the self-taught medieval genius, remains China’s abiding titan of classical poetry. 李白,这位自学成才的中世纪天才,至今仍是中国古典诗歌界不朽的巨匠。 Born in 701, Li Bai famously began composing verse at age 10, trained a
文苑 |
The Ant-Lion1蚁狮
“He can’t get it; he can’t get a hold of it,” Morvenna cried. She thrust suddenly with the end of a twig, trying to push the ant up the shifting sand-slope of the pit. But her brother, lying opposite
文苑 |
Do We Buy Books?我们是否购书?
I have recently been in the throes1 of a double removal, and in the course of the operation comments were made by one person or another concerned in it on the prominence of books in my belongings. The
环球万象 |
The World Needs More Dogs in Tiny Cardigans世人需要更多穿着小开衫的狗
When I decided to name my pug Björk after the pagan pop poet, I knew it would come with certain responsibilities. My dog had a reputation to live up to. Acquiring a fantastic wardrobe for her felt lik
经济视野 |
When Is It Too Late to Give Up Control of Your Finances?自己管钱,想放手时已太晚?
America is getting older. By 2050, one-fifth of the U.S. population is projected to be over the age of 65. And the way we’re aging is changing, too. Older people today are more responsible for managin
科技天地 |
Robotic Plants Grow with Their Environment植物机器人与环境共生
In environments that are difficult to reach because of the hazards or hardships for humans, a device behaving like a native plant could be the answer. This approach was taken by Suyi Li, associate pro
网络时代 |
Has Streaming Killed the TV Moment?流媒体已取代传统电视?
Traditional viewing is in terminal decline—but we’re more passionate about our favourite shows than ever. 传统电视节目的收视率一蹶不振,但我们观看节目的热情空前高涨。 EastEnders1 was what might once have been referred to as a cl
艺坛 |
Dutch Boats in a Gale《狂风中的荷兰船只》
Dutch Boats in a Gale is a painting created by the renowned British Romantic painter Joseph Mallord William Turner in the year 1801. This artwork is also known as The Bridgewater Sea Piece. It is curr
史海钩沉 |
Ancient Pergamon帕加马古城
Perched atop a windswept mountain along the Turkish coastline and gazing proudly—almost defiantly—over the azure Aegean Sea sit the ruins of ancient Pergamon. Although the majority of its superb intac
体育 |
Olympics Divers Explainer奥运跳水运动员揭秘
Viewers of the Olympics are apparently a little baffled by the behavior of athletes in the diving events. 奥运会的观众显然对跳水比赛中运动员的行为感到有些不解。 Divers typically emerge from the water after a plunge and immed
健康 |
Is Your Makeup Harming Your Fertility?化妆品危害生育吗?
We are all aware of the nasties in our food and environment that can have an impact on fertility. Health speaks with Dr. Pankaj Shrivastav, a pioneer in the field of Reproductive Medi-cine, to learn m
词林漫步 |
2020年,原本属于学术范畴的“内卷”开始出现在社会大众的视野之中,后来引发了广泛的共鸣。 先是清华大学大一学生的作业太难,有人用“超级内卷”加以评价,在网络上激起热烈讨论,从此“内卷”跨出学术领域,引申用于描述学生沉重的课业负担和竞争压力。最经典的例子,莫过一张被称为“清华卷王”的照片。照片里,几个清华学生骑着自行车,居然有人边骑车边用笔记本电脑。群体内部竞争激烈,为了取得微小优势,每个成员都
词林漫步 |
我国古代哲学家荀子提出“性恶论”。有篇文章将“性恶论”译为theory of sexual evil。一般来说,人工翻译不会犯这样低级的错误,这可能是机器翻译造成的恶果,犯错的根源在于对“性”字意义的理解只知其一,不知其二。 “性”的第一个意思是“人的本性”,英语译为original human nature或inborn human nature。“人性”,英语译为human nature。例
谭译录 |
对词汇的用法进行分析,特别是对自己的母语提出问题,是一个有益的学习过程。母语使用者对母语的理解常常停留在感性的层面,有个感觉,但道理不一定说得清楚,或者不会特意地去盘根问底地分析一个词在不同语境下使用的不同特点。做一点“技术性”的分析,对提高翻译的准确度还是很有帮助的。这一期我们继续讨论几个常见词的译法。 1. 资格 《现代汉语词典》(第7版)对“资格”的解释是:从事某种活动所应具备的条件、身
谭译录 |
To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society. I am not solitary whilst I read and write, though nobody is with me. But if a man would be alone, let him look at t
谭译录 |
《大国速度 百年京张》1(续二)From Steam to HSR—100 Years on the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Line (Excerpt)
修建京张铁路,最困难的是从南口到青龙桥这一段。 主要是山势陡峭坡度高,还需要修很长的隧道。2作为总工程师,詹天佑每天骑着毛驴,亲自与工程技术人员去实地进行勘测。无论是骄阳似火,或是狂风大作,还是暴雨如注,他总是身背标杆和测量仪,奔波在崎岖的山间小路上。 The most difficult section was from Nankou to Qinglong Bridge. The main
谭译录 |
在著名悲剧《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)中,由于莎士比亚这位戏剧大师极为渊博的学识和娴熟高超的语言运用技能,再加上主人公哈姆雷特有时装疯说些极为隐晦难懂的话,有很多地方不易理解,翻译起来也难以处理。现在我就举几个例子,谈一谈自己的理解与翻译。 例一:第一幕第一场 霍雷肖看到已故老王显灵,认为这对丹麦是个不祥之兆,为此他列举了罗马帝国从鼎盛走向衰落前天上和人间出现的异常现象。除了提到和丹麦已故国王
学苑 |
Paper Money这部小说中不时就会出现我过去没见过的短语,我能从中学到的东西比较多。stone the crows就是其中的一个。书中的原文是这样的: Jesse pulled into the road and the patrol car was lost from view. He wiped his brow. He was trembling. ‘Gawd, stone the
学苑 |
“凡尔赛文学”一词近年来十分火热,曾入围《咬文嚼字》杂志选出的“2020年十大流行语”。早在10年前,美国喜剧演员哈里斯·维特尔斯(Harris Wittels)便创造了humblebrag一词,并有专著Humblebrag: The Art of False Modesty行世,humblebrag正是英文版的“凡尔赛文学”。 humble(谦恭)与brag(吹嘘)显然是一对互为矛盾的词,把两
学苑 |
观看英语影视剧,我们碰到成语和谚语的机会不算太多,但对于英语不是母语的人来说,遇到含有成语或谚语的台词,尤其是改头换面的谚语或半截子谚语,我们往往不知所云,最好事先有所储备。 电影《四个婚礼一个葬礼》(Four Weddings and a Funeral)中,男主人公Charles在结婚仪式进行当中突然决定取消婚礼,遭到新娘一顿暴打。之后,他和几个朋友回到房间休息。不久,门铃响了,其他人想去开
应试点津 |
英伦学堂 |
Tried and Tested Time-Management Techniques
Pre-reading task You are going to read an article about why time management is important and some techniques for improving common problem areas. Before you read, think about your own time management.