聚焦马拉松 |
The Real Story of the Marathon马拉松的真实由来
We all think we know how the marathon started, but the full story tells of an even more spectacular running feat; and not just by Pheidippides. 我们都觉得自己知道马拉松的由来,但故事的全貌是一场更为了不起的长跑壮举,而且不仅仅是费迪皮迪兹一个人在奔跑。
聚焦马拉松 |
Why Do People Run Marathons?人们为何热衷于跑马拉松?
At the 1896 Olympics in Athens, the first organised marathon involved only 17 athletes. 在1896年的雅典奥运会上,首届有组织的马拉松比赛仅有17位选手参加。 Marathoning has come a long way1 since. We also now understand a great de
聚焦马拉松 |
Around the World in 26.2 Miles26.2英里环游世界
In 2012, shortly after crossing the finish line of the Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Half Marathon, Laurel Butterfield filled up on oysters and bloody marys. Her strategy was simple: “I’ll commit two hour
聚焦马拉松 |
The Tech Is Changing Marathon Training科技重塑马拉松训练
From wearables that provide detailed running metrics to advanced recovery techniques, here’s how tech plays an important role in long-distance running. 从提供详尽跑步数据的可穿戴设备到尖端的恢复技术,且看科技如何在长跑训练中发挥强大作用。 Ta
聚焦马拉松 |
10 Best Marathons Around the World全球十佳马拉松赛事
With thousands of marathons happening globally each year, deciding which one to enter can be a challenge in itself. While there are, of course, the iconic Abbott World Marathon Majors (though not easi
中国故事 |
“Faces of Sanxingdui” Shed Light on Mysterious Ancient Kingdom“三星堆面孔”展现神秘古国风采
A golden face with patinaed turquoise eyes stares out of the darkness. Illuminated around it stand three other bronze heads—some have flat tops, others round—all looked over by a giant bronze statue a
文苑 |
The Last Day of Autumn秋尽之日
The frosted dew on the grass sparkled purple and deep red, reflecting the colours in the eastern sky. In her nest, in a dying foxglove flower at the end of the garden, Silverbell woke up and shivered.
文苑 |
World War II Love Letters Help a Daughter Find Her Missing Father二战情书传音 父亲尸骨还乡
Sharon Estill Taylor has no firsthand memories of her father. The World War II fighter pilot was shot down over Germany in April 1945, when Taylor was just three weeks old. 莎伦·埃斯蒂尔·泰勒对父亲没有一丁点儿直接记忆。19
环球万象 |
What’s Behind Our Obsessionwith the Girl-ish Label我们为何对女孩标签如此痴迷?
Over the past couple of years, trends like Lazy Girl Job and Tomato Girl have emerged that describe a mundane phenomenon that is, unlike the name suggests, not really specific to girls or women and is
经济视野 |
Giving New Meaning to the Main Street Café in Upstate New York赋予纽约州北部主街咖啡馆新的意义
In the Adirondack Mountain area in upstate New York, Origin Coffee Co. has locations in two nearby towns, Lake Placid and Saranac Lake. It is no coincidence that both shops are located on Main Street1
科技天地 |
Cosmic Melody Reveals the Universe宇宙旋律揭示宇宙奥秘
Not only does astronomical sonification expand access for the blind community, it gives scientists a new perspective. 天文数据可听化不仅为盲人群体增加了了解宇宙的机会,还为科学家打开了研究新视角。 Christine Malec, who has been blind sinc
艺坛 |
The Tree of Life《生命之树》
The Tree of Life is an important symbol used by many theologies, philosophies and mythologies. It signifies the connection between heaven and earth and the underworld, and the same concept is illustra
史海钩沉 |
On the Origin of Languages论语言的起源
It’s tempting to think that they have clear beginnings. They don’t. 人们往往认为语言有明确的诞生时间,实则不然。 In a church hewn out of a mountainside, just over a thousand years or so ago, a monk was struggling with a
动物 |
Marsupial Lion Tops African Lion in Fight to the Death袋狮若存世 完胜非洲狮
Pound for pound, Australia’s extinct marsupial lion (Thylacoleo carnifex) would have made mincemeat of1 today’s African lion (Panthera leo) had the two big hyper-carnivores2 ever squared off3 in a fig
词林漫步 |
2018年暑假,我以兰州为起点向西出发,走了一趟魂牵梦萦的河西走廊。我在兰州吃饭,首选当然是名扬宇内的兰州拉面(当地叫“牛肉面”,俗称“牛大碗”)。微博网友向我推荐了“磨沟沿牛肉面”,果真超赞。牛肉鲜香,面条筋道,汤头醇厚,美味尽收舌下,给我吃了个碗底朝天。光盘行动,由我做起。 2020年新冠疫情肆虐,我在台湾去不了大陆,想吃地道的兰州拉面却不可得,只能看看当时在兰州面馆拍的照片,本想望“图”止
词林漫步 |
英语和汉语并列词组大都按照固定顺序排列,其组成词的前后位置一般是不能颠倒的。例如:big and small(大小)、long and short(长短)、left and right(左右)、man and woman(男女)等。 在英语中,并列的两个词中间一定要有连词and,不可省略;而在汉语里,并列两个词中间的连词可有可无,能够省略。 一般来说,英语和汉语并列词组都是按照一定逻辑规律排列
谭译录 |
这一期讨论几个抽象名词:“大局”“格局”“眼光”“气场”“气魄”“魄力”。抽象名词的翻译一般来说都比较有挑战,主要是内涵比较难把握,特别需要根据具体语境进行判断,很难用一个比较统一的对应词表述。在这种情况下,最好不要试图按照词的表层意思找一个对应词。比较有效的策略还是先了解词汇在具体语境下的具体内涵,认真地分析体会,搞清楚需要译什么,做到有的放矢。我们还是通过例句来看看翻译的过程。 1. 大局
谭译录 |
October Days1十月天
Just below me on the hillside is a forty-acre field that slopes gently down to the valley. Last year it was ploughed by a motor-tractor: this year I rejoice to say it is being ploughed in the old way,
谭译录 |
愧Feeling Guilty
谭译录 |
在《哈姆雷特》中,莎士比亚这位卓越的戏剧大师用其点石成金之笔,巧妙地将一些普通单词的多义,或音形相同或相近的语言特性发挥到极致,创造出含蓄、睿智、生动和幽默等出神入化的意境。由于中英语言的差异,译者如何在中文译文中再现英语双关语加强语言感染力的修辞作用,成为一个重大挑战。我在本文中尝试翻译了其中部分双关语,与读者共享,谬误之处,望读者指正。 例一:第一幕第二场 King But now, my
学苑 |
学苑 |
为了追求简洁效果,英语影视剧台词除了广泛使用省略结构外,还经常使用缩略词。 一般而言,影视剧专业性越强,台词中的缩略词出现的频率就越高。在医疗题材的影视剧里,我们不时听到ICU(intensive care unit重症监护室)、OR(operating room手术室)、ER(emergency room急诊室)、EKG (electrocardiogram心电图)等缩略词。在刑侦题材的影视剧
学苑 |
多年来,我阅读过的英文原版小说中,有很大一部分是英国著名小说家肯·福莱特(Ken Follett)的作品。肯·福莱特是当代大师级通俗小说作家。迄今为止,他的作品被翻译成33种文字,在世界各地出版,总印数超过1.6亿册。他的著作颇丰,最著名的包括中世纪三部曲,即《圣殿春秋》(Pillar of the Earth)、《无尽世界》(World Without End)和《永恒火焰》(A Column
应试点津 |
本专栏上期讨论了考研英语定语从句的翻译策略,本期讨论分词短语的翻译策略。 分词短语这种语法形式在汉语中不存在,因此对中国学生而言往往构成一定的难度。我们知道,英语句子通常只能有一个动词做谓语(除非用and将两个或以上谓语动词连接起来),如果句子中有两个或两个以上的动词,我们可以将其中一个动词处理为谓语动词,而将另外的动词处理为非谓语动词,而非谓语动词的语法形式就常常表现为分词短语。分词短语分为现
应试点津 |
四级 Directions: Suppose the university newspaper is inviting submissions from the students for its coming edition on the recent developments in their hometown. You are now to write an essay for submis
英伦学堂 |
MI6: The British Secret Intelligence Service
Would you like to be a secret agent and work undercover? Do you think the job in reality would be similar to how it’s shown in films? You might have heard of MI6 through the man known as 007. James B
英伦学堂 |
Ethical Shopping
We all need to buy stuff from time to time. But do we think about how our shopping affects people, animals and the environment? Here’s how you can love fashion and the world we live in. Ethical shopp